Saturday, 23 April 2011

I love Norfolk.

Thats right, I do.
My family have lived in and around Norwich since I was 5, and since I left in 2007 to live in London, I have totally rediscovered it's beauty. I suppose thats always the way though, isn't it? I went to live in London thinking I'd never want to leave, and it's actually made me realise how much I want to one day move to the Norfolk countryside and live in a perfect little cottage. 
It's so nice to be able to come home when I can get time off work and relax and adventure with my family!

Today we went to the beach to see Happisburgh, a village thats falling into the sea slowly, and the cliffs are edging ever closer to the remaining houses.

Old bits of house/carpet/water pipes from houses that have been destroyed as the cliffs have crumbled into the sea! It's quite sad, really!

Glorious beach!

Me and my dad paddled, skimmed rocks and made a rescue attempt on some trapped driftwood, whilst my step mum read her book in the sun.

And this is me paddling in the great blue sea!

I love being home!
Pip pip xx


  1. Ooh lovely looking pictures, looks nice and warm! :)

  2. I've never been to Norfolk and it looks wonderful. Your pictures are beautiful, love your dress and am in awe of your stylish dad. xxx

  3. It was lovely and warm! So refreshing paddling in the lovely sea. Yum!
    My Dad's trousers are amazing, you can't see the detail there but I found them at a carboot for £1 and they're from the second world war! I really need to get some proper photos of them! xx


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