Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Hello gorgeous new shoes!

Phew, is it really only wednesday today? Roll on friday evening I say!

I am finally in the company of Mr Mike as he returned to our nest after being home with his family. So last night we had a nice takeaway as a treat after a hard day of work (note to self: stop eating takeaways so regularly!) and watched a film on the sofa. Ah the simple pleasures!

I also splashed out on some treats on the net on sunday, one being tickets to La Soiree on friday after work....which is an ever-so-needed nice end to the week! We are incredibly excited about La Soiree, and had been meaning to book tickets for aaages! I am also very excited to have a chance to dress up (not that I'm not generally rather overdress in normal day-to-day life) in a nice dress, heels, and one of the hats/fascinators I made, or one my Nan made. This very much excites me!

And talking of dressing up,

...these are the shoes I am going to wear!

Aren't they gorgeous. I know they are a pretty simple design, but yet I am very excited about their arrival! They are nicer in "person" than in the photo, very classic, and as yet (in my brief trot to the cornershop), extraordinarily comfy! 

I have been meaning to purchase some Clarks shoes for a while now, after advice due to my constant inability to find shoes that don't hurt my feet! So when I discovered them in the sale, I kind of just had to have them. They were £39.99 in the sale, which is still a lot for me, BUT fully worth it if it means I can have some (hopefully) comfy heels. I'll have to wait and see how my feet fare after our night out on friday!

Is it possible to be in love with a pair of shoes? 
Because I might well be. 

Now, to buy them in navy? Hmmmm. 

 Pip pip! xx


  1. Clarks can be a little expensive, but by crikey they are comfortable. Those shoes look like the will go with loads of things, and I love the cute little button.

  2. I finally decided to splash out as comfort is almost definitely worth the money if it embodies beauty as well (as long as they are sale)! I wanted the brown and navy ones too, but I opted for the black ones because they indeed will go with the most things! Excited about wearing them out now xx

  3. Clarks are THE way forward! Pricey they may be - but comfy and hardwearing too! Im off to check out the sale now. Bet they don't have any boat size left though!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I just went to look at getting them in the navy or brown, and they seem to have sold out in my size....oh no! I think I will have to keep an eye out for the Clarks sales from now on!
    I do hope you find a pair in "boat size"...silly billy! xx


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